Thursday, September 6, 2012

About me

Hi, I'm mahi. I'm a sophomore IB student right now who likes to write, read, draw, photograph, and sleep. SOme things that I am extremely fascinated in include foreign language (I take French), travel, film (I'm in that too), and speeches of any kind. Especially persuasive ones. I like to get into those. I have almost no friends. I have one close friend who I will most definitely reference to in the future, so I'll tell you now; her name is Naomi. I have another friend (who kind of isn't my friend) and her name is Swathi. There's a lot of drama (not really, you can't have drama if you don't associate with people in the first place) that goes on at my school. I'll probably write about it extensively. I made this because it's less addicting than my tumblr ( check it out!) and less people will see it, so i can be open about my feelings and all that sappy crap. Erm...there isn't much else to say about me. Hopefully I'll get some readers soon. Hopefully you'll find my life entertaining. I can almost 100% guarantee I'm only going to write here when I'm on my period. So....Yea. :D
oh, and by the way, I hate blogger because the font makes my emoticons look retarded.

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